“德國海德森”紅外線熱影像控制淺層熱療系統 (暫定名稱)
hydrosun®TWH1500 Superficial Hyperthermia System

hydrosun®-TWH1500是採用水過濾紅外線-A (wIRA),具有高且最柔順的將能量輸入到更深的組織層(參見wIRA原理)紅外線熱影像控制淺層熱療系統,是第一個實現無須接觸及供應能量的腫瘤局部熱療設備。通過隨機和單臂臨床試驗證明與放療併用對局部復發乳腺癌的治療具顯著療效,放療的劑量亦可大幅減少。

  • 如此允許
    連續實時的熱成像控制配備自動開關控制功能,可實現最佳和安全的能量輸入,同時如果最高皮膚溫度設置為42-43°C,其有效加熱深度,至少分別為15毫米(> 40°C)20毫米(> 39.5°C)。
  • 因此,發病率
    熱損傷(TSD) ≥ 2級已降至0%
  • 這種治療方法是


熱影像控制wIRA淺層熱療被引用為“表面熱療臨床試驗品質保證指南”中批准的方法。由ESHO (歐洲腫瘤熱療學會)發佈併發表在國際熱療學會期刊(2017)和 Strahlenther Onkol 2017。


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    Biophysical and photobiological basics of water-filtered infrared-A hyperthermia of superficial tumors.
    Int J Hyperthermia. 2018 May 10:1-11. doi: 10.1080/02656736.2018.1469169. [Epub ahead of print]
  2. Notter M, Vaupel P
    Re-irradiation and wIRA-hyperthermia for superficial widespread breast cancer recurrences: an up-date
    ESHO Congress 2017 Athen, Oral presentation, Abstract OP-04
  3. Thomsen AR, Aldrian C, Heselich A, Niedermann G, Grosu AL, Lund PG
    Hyperthermia with water-filtered infrared A sensitizes breast cancer spheroids to hypofractionated irradiation, but not normal epidermal cell cultures
    ESHO Congress 2017 Athen, Poster presentation, Abstract PP-25
  4. Notter M, Piazena H, Vaupel P:
    Hypofractionated re-irradiation of large-sized re-current breast cancer with thermography-controlled, contact-free water-filtered infrared-A hyperthermia: A retrospective study of 73 patients.
    International Journal of Hyperthermia Volume 33, 2017 - Issue 2, pp. 227-236
    OPEN ACCESS http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02656736.2016.1235731
  5. Dombrovsky LA, Timchenko V, Pathak C, Piazena H, Müller W, Jackson M:
    Radiative heating of superficial human tissues with the use of water-filtered infrared-A radiation: A computational modeling.
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 85 (2015) 311–320
  6. Stutz E, Puric E, Datta NR, Bodis S, Notter M:
    Radiation-Associated Angiosarcoma of the Breast - What can we learn from case reports?
    Strahlenassoziiertes Angiosarkom der Brust - Was können wir aus Fallberichten lernen?
    InFo ONKOLOGIE & HÄMATOLOGIE 2017; Vol. 5, Nr. 4
    OPEN ACCESS after free registration
    [Article in German]
  7. Seegenschmiedt MH, Klautke G, Walther E, Feldmann HJ, Katalinic A, Stuschke M, von Lieven H, Vaupel P:
    Water-filtered infrared-A-hyperthermia combined with radiotherapy in advanced and recurrent tumors. Initial results of a multicenter phase I-II study.
    Strahlenther Onkol. 1996 Sep;172(9):475-84.
    [Article in German] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8928056
  8. Vaupel P, Kelleher DK, Krüger W:
    Water-filtered infrared-A radiation: a novel technique to heat superficial tumors
    Strahlenther Onkol. 1992 Nov; 168(11):633-9